# News

Orolia Releases Skydel 22.12 GNSS Simulation Software


The Skydel engine is at the heart of Orolia GNSS simulation.

Powerful, customizable, and constantly evolving, Skydel’s software-defined architecture gives users unrivaled flexibility. It is this same design that allows Orolia to frequently update Skydel in an effort to add functionality, introduce new signals, and respond to customer requests.

In our fourth major release of 2022, we have concentrated on the Galileo constellation. Skydel 22.12 will offer full support for the Galileo E6 HAS signal. Users that need to test equipment that uses this High Accuracy Service, can now fully and accurately simulate it within Skydel. The ICD for Galileo E6 HAS was only released to the public earlier this year, making Skydel one of the few engines to support this signal. This feature extends to all Skydel-powered turnkey solutions — including the GSG-7GSG-8, and Broadsim platforms.

In addition to the full complement of GNSS signals and frequencies from every constellation, Skydel’s ability to rapidly be integrated, re-use hardware, and be immediately upgraded continue to make it a leader in the GNSS simulation industry that adapts to your projects and challenges.

Skydel version 22.12 is currently available on the Skydel user site. The URL is included with the software license and is also available in the Skydel user manual (References section).

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